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Waymark uses the excellent OpenStreetMap as it’s default Basemap and supports many other providers.

Thunderforest and Mapbox are examples of providers that offer easy access to beautiful Basemaps (including satellite imagery). They require registration, but have a free usage tier.

Title Type Default Tip Link
Basemap Name text Open Street Map The Layer Name will appear in a dropdown list shown by the Map when multiple Basemaps have been entered. You can change the default basemap in the shortcode: [Waymark map_id="1234" basemap="Basemap Name"]
Basemap URL text https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png Many mapping services support the Slippy Map format. Waymark requires URLs that contain {z} (zoom level) and {x}/{y} (tile coordinates). For example the OpenCycleMap URL is{z}/{x}/{y}@2x.png?apikey=[your_api_key].
Basemap Attribution text © <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors Mapping services often have the requirement that attribution is displayed by the map. Text and HTML links are supported.
Basemap Max Zoom text 18 Set a maximum zoom level for this Basemap, the default is 18.


Marker Types

Customise how Markers are displayed on the Map. Set these styles once, then select the appropriate Type when you add to the Map.

Title Type Default Tip Link
Marker Label text Photo What kind of Marker is this? E.g. "Photo", "Grocery Store", "Warning!". Once saved, Marker labels can not be edited. The Marker Label is displayed in the Tooltip (when hovering over the Marker) and in the Info Window (once the Marker is clicked). Hide in Settings > Map > Misc. > Type Labels.
Marker Shape select marker Which shape of Marker to use. Circles and Squares are centered at the specified location, Markers point down to that location.
Marker Size select large Which size of Marker to use.
Marker Background text white The Marker background colour. Click "Select Colour" to select.
Marker Show Initially boolean 1 When using the Overlay Filter you can choose to show/hide certain Types when the Map initially loads.
Marker Submissions? boolean 1 Make this Type available in front-end Submissions?
IconType select icon Font Icons are available from Font Awesome and Ionic Icons. Simple Text or Emojis are supported, as well as custom HTML. So you can pretty much use anything you like!
IconName text ion-camera The desired icon name from Ionicons or Font Awesome, e.g. "ion-camera", or "fa-camera". Click the links to see the full list of icons available.|Text to display inside the Marker, in the chosen colour. Space is very limited! Pro Tip: adjust text size using CSS; for all Markers: .waymark-icon-text{font-size: 18px}, or by Type: .waymark-marker-photo .waymark-icon-text{...}. Use your browser's inspector to dig for Type class names.|The HTML entered will be added inside each Marker. Pro Tip! HTML Entities supported (e.g. &cross; as well as Unicode and Emojis!), or provide HTML to integrate with other Icon providers.
IconColour text #475260 The colour of the icon. Click "Select Colour" to select.


Line Types

Customise how Lines are displayed on the Map. Set these styles once, then select the appropriate Type when you add to the Map.

Title Type Default Tip Link
Line Label text Red What kind of Line is this? E.g. "Easy", "Walking Only", "Dark Red". The Line Label is displayed in the Tooltip (when hovering over the Line) and in the Line Info Window. Once saved, Line labels can not be edited.
Line Colour text #d84848 The colour of the Line. Click "Select Colour" to select.
Line Weight text 3 The width of the Line, in pixels.
Line Opacity text 0.7 The opacity of the Line, between 0.0 and 1.0 (e.g. "0.5").
Line Show Initially boolean 1 When using the Overlay Filter you can choose to show/hide certain Types when the Map initially loads.
Line Submissions? boolean 1 Make this Type available in front-end Submissions?


Shape Types

Customise how Shapes are displayed on the Map. Set these styles once, then select the appropriate Type when you add to the Map.

Title Type Default Tip Link
Shape Label text Red What kind of Shape is this? E.g. "Park", "Danger!", "Light Blue". The Shape Label is displayed in the Tooltip (when hovering over the Shape) and in the Shape Info Window. Once saved, Shape labels can not be edited.
Shape Colour text #d84848 The colour of the Shape. Click "Select Colour" to select.
Shape Fill Opacity text 0.5 The opacity of the inside of the shape, between 0.0 and 1.0 (e.g. "0.5").
Shape Show Initially boolean 1 When using the Overlay Filter you can choose to show/hide certain Types when the Map initially loads.
Shape Submissions? boolean 1 Make this Type available in front-end Submissions?



Create additional input fields that appear underneath the Map Editor. Any Meta that has been input is displayed on the Map Details page, and can also be displayed by the Shortcode.

Title Type Default Tip Link
Meta Title text Description The title appears next to the input field.
Meta Default text The default value for the input field. For Select and Multi-Select enter the option/comma-separated options to be selected by default.
Meta Tip text The Description you enter here will be displayed on the Map Details page. A tip provides additional information about an input field... just like this!
Meta Type select textarea_rich The type of input field to use.
Meta Options text A comma-separated list of options for the input.
Meta Group select Which group this Meta belongs to (if any). Meta in the same group will be displayed together when editing and viewing Maps. Meta not in a group will be displayed above any groups.
Meta In Shortcode? boolean 0 Whether this content should be displayed when embedding a Map using the Shortcode.
Meta In Submissions? boolean 0 Make this Meta available in front-end Submissions?


Create groups to organise your Map Meta. Meta in the same group will be displayed together when editing and viewing Maps.

Title Type Default Tip Link
Group Title text The title appears above the Meta in that group.



Read GeoJSON feature properties when importing.

If Waymark finds data for the property keys below it will stored when it is imported. These can be automatically appended to the Overlay Description, or accessed programatically the Object.

Title Type Default Tip Link
Property Key text This is the key associated with the data you are trying to access, i.e. "properties": {"property_key": "Some content here"}
Property Title text The value for this property will be added to the Overlay Description under this title.


Append listed Properties to the Overlay Description.

Title Type Default Tip Link
Append boolean 0 Append the property value to the Overlay Description.


Front-End Submissions

Use the [Waymark content="submission"] Shortcode to allow Map submissions from the front-end of your site.

Title Type Default Tip Link
Allow Submissions boolean 0 Submissions will be available only to site administrators by default, but can also be allowed for registered users or even to guests without registration.

User Submissions

Allow registered users to create Maps from the front-end.

Title Type Default Tip Link
Allow From select_multi Users with the selected roles will be able to make Submissions through the front-end
Editor Features select_multi What features to offer in the Editor. Important! Uploaded images are added to the Media Library, reading from file does not keep a copy of the file on the server. Whether an individual Meta input is displayed can be set in the Settings > Map > Meta.
Default Status select This is the initial status of the submitted Map. Note! Publish means that the Map (including any images added) will be *immediately* visible on your site.
Default Collection select If specified, user submissions will be automatically added to this Collection.

Public Submissions

This will allow Submissions from any visitor, without registration.

Title Type Default Tip Link
Public Submissions boolean 0 Allow *anyone* to submit Maps to your site, without registration.
Editor Features select_multi What features to offer in the Editor. Important! Uploaded images are added to the Media Library (see Upload Location below), reading from file does not keep a copy of the file on the server. Whether an individual Meta input is displayed can be set in the Settings > Map > Meta.
Upload Location select waymark_submission Images upload by non-registered users can be stored seperately from other Media Library uploads, to aid with moderation. All uploaded images will be stored in a single directory (/waymark_submission) found in the upload root.
Default Status select This is the initial status of the submitted Map. Note! Publish means that the Map (including any images added) will be *immediately* visible on your site.
Default Collection select If specified, user submissions will be automatically added to this Collection.


Map Options

Use these options to change how Maps are displayed.

Title Type Default Tip Link
Default Centre text 51.38436,-68.74923 Waymark centres the Map automatically when displaying data. These coordinates (Latitude,Longitude) will be used when there is no data available.
Map Height text 450 Specify the desired height of the Map (in pixels). Pro Tip! This will affect all Maps, but you can change the height (and width) of an individual Map through the Shortcode: [Waymark map_id="1234" map_height="640"]
Default Zoom text 9 Waymark zooms the Map automatically when displaying data. This zoom level (0-18) will be used when there is no data available.
Image Gallery boolean 1 Whether to display an image gallery for Markers that have images associated with them. Pro Tip! This will affect all Maps, but you can choose to show/hide the gallery of an individual Map through the shortcode: [Waymark show_gallery="1"]
Overlay Filter boolean 1 Allow the user to filter which Markers, Lines and Shapes are currently visible on the Map. Pro Tip! This will affect all Maps, but you can choose to show/hide the filter for individual Maps through the shortcode: [Waymark show_filter="1"]
Public Export boolean 0 Offer visitors the ability to Download all Collection/Map Overlays in the Shortcode Header and on the Map Details page. GeoJSON, GPX and KML formats supported.
Show Scale boolean 0 Show a distance scale (km and miles) on the Map.

Sleep Options

Waymark Maps will zoom when the user scrolls. This can cause some unexpected/annoying behaviour when scrolling a page.

Sleeping the Map initially and Waking upon user interaction (i.e. hovering/clicking/tapping) may create a better experience.

Title Type Default Tip Link
Hover Wake Time text 2 How many seconds before scroll zoom is enabled. 0 seconds will mean no delay (disabling this feature). A large number of seconds like 3600 (an hour) will esentially *disable hover to wake*, meaning the user will need to *click* to wake.
Display Message boolean 0 This message will be displayed by the Map while scroll zoom is disabled.
Display Message Text text Click or Hover to Wake

Cluster Options

With Clustering enabled, Markers will be grouped together when they are close together. This can help to reduce clutter on the Map.

Title Type Default Tip Link
Marker Clustering boolean 0 Whether to cluster (stack) Markers that are close together. Pro Tip! This will affect all Maps, but you can also enable/disable clustering through the Shortcode: [Waymark show_cluster="0"]
Cluster Threshold text 14 Markers will not be clustered above this zoom level.
Cluster Radius text 80 The maximum radius that a cluster will cover from the central marker (in pixels). Decreasing will make more, smaller clusters. Default 80.

Shortcode Options

How Maps are embedded into your content using the shortcode.

Title Type Default Tip Link
Shortcode Header select 1 The shortcode header displays the title and link to the Map or Collection. Pro Tip! This will affect all shortcodes, but you can override the setting through the shortcode: [Waymark map_id="1234" shortcode_header="1"] (the value must be either 0 or 1).
Header for Admin select 0 Use this Setting to always show the Shortcode Header when signed in as admin, useful for quickly navigating to embeded Maps.

Elevation Options

Lines with elevation data.

Title Type Default Tip Link
Elevation Profile select 2 Display an interactive elevation profile graph below the Map for Lines that have elevation data. Pro Tip! You can choose to show/hide the elevation graph of an individual Map through the shortcode: [Waymark map_id="1234" show_elevation="1"]
Elevation Units select metric Display elevation data in metric (m/km) or imperial (ft/mi) units.
Elevation Colour text #b42714 The colour of the elevation graph and associated Line.
Show Initially? boolean 1 Whether to show the elevation profile when the Map loads. If set to No, the user must click on a Line in order to display the elevation data. If there are multiple Lines with elevation data, the one added to the editor first will be the one shown initially.

Collection Options

How Collections are displayed.

Title Type Default Tip Link
Shortcode Method select fetch Whether to load multiple Maps in the Background (uses AJAX to improve page load) when embedding with the Shortcode, or to Embed them within the page. Embedding may be a bad idea for LARGE COLLECTIONS, but can resolve some issues where Collections are not displaying correctly.

Editor Options

Customising the Map Editor.

Title Type Default Tip Link
Confirm Delete? boolean 1 Whether to show a confirmation dialog before deleting Markers/Lines/Shapes from the Map. Pro Tip! Even if you accidentally delete something, changes are not saved until the "Update" button is clicked.
Default Basemap select Open Street Map Which Basemap to use as the editor default.

Customise your Map and Collection URLs.

Title Type Default Tip Link
Map Slug text map The URL slug that will be used for links to your Maps, i.e.[map-slug]/example-map/. Only alpha-numeric characters and hyphens (-) are allowed.
Collection Slug text collection The URL slug that will be used for links to your Collections, i.e.[collection-slug]/example-collection/. Only alpha-numeric characters and hyphens (-) are allowed.

Post Type

Enable Custom Post Type features.

Title Type Default Tip Link
Supports select_multi title Enable or disable various WordPress features of the Map Custom Post Type.


Title Type Default Tip Link
Debug Mode boolean 0 With debug mode enabled, the plugin will output Map and Settings data in Admin Dashboard. This may come in handy if you need to report a bug. Pro Tip! Check the browser console for Waymark output when signed in as an administrator.